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Last updated almost 7 years ago

"Chrislam" - Europe Folds To The Islamization Of Christmas

almost 7 years ago

Authored by Soeren Kern via The Gatestone Institute The re-theologizing of Christmas...

Ben Garrison's 12 Days Of Trumpmas

almost 7 years ago

Authored by Ben Garrison via GrrrrGraphics.com ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and...

Was The Steele Dossier The FBI's "Insurance Policy"?

almost 7 years ago

Authored by Andrew McCarthy via National Review Clinton campaign propaganda appears to...

Visualizing The Global Rush To Build Skyscrapers

almost 7 years ago

As the creator of today’s visualization, Alberto Lucas López, points out, “the...

No Peace In Our Times: The Inevitability Of War

almost 7 years ago

Via GEFIRA “While people are saying, peace and safety, destruction will come...

"My Eyes Popped Out Of My Head": Ohio Woman Receives $284 Billion Electric Bill

almost 7 years ago

The ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ has nothing on this Due to a processing...

Riding The Blockchain Train: These Companies Changed Their Name, And Their Stock Price Soared

almost 7 years ago

Many others had done it, but nobody quite as blatantly as beverage...

The Dollar's Reign As The Global Reserve Currency Is Running Out - Fast

almost 7 years ago

The dollar’s hegemony over the global financial system can’t last forever. Like...

"Happy Winter"? Why I'm Grateful To Be 'So Old' That I Remember When It Was Normal To Say "Merry Christmas"

almost 7 years ago

Having recently found myself walking the streets of Berkeley, Calfornia, in need...

Mystery Buyer Of 'Most Expensive Apartment In Asia' Revealed

almost 7 years ago

A month ago, we highlighted a disturbing new record in the Hong...

Paul Craig Roberts Rages At America's Collapsing Prestige

almost 7 years ago

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts The Nikki Haley moron appointed as US...

Uninvestable Tesla

almost 7 years ago

Tesla is an uninvestable stock for me, not just because of its...