2020 US Election: Stay updated in one place with our public dashboard
The US is holding their presidential election on November 3rd, and the entire world is watching. Everyone everywhere is being bombarded by news constantly. Feeder wants to help you make sense of it all.
We've created a US Election dashboard featuring news about the candidates, what the candidates are saying and a comparison of what publications from different sides of the political spectrum are saying about them. Just like our Corona dashboard, it uses filters to intelligently display relevant news in the right columns.
We believe a healthy democracy is one where it's possible to see an issue from multiple angles. In this day and age it's way too easy to fall into your own filter bubble. We want Feeder to be a driving force to change that.
Our new dashboard is public and free for everyone to use. Find it here: feeder.co/dashboard/us-elections
And remember to vote if you’re an American citizen!